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Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs Essay ‘Death is very likely the single best invention of life'

Co-founder of Apple Computer and a pioneering force in the computer and technology industry was found dead on Wednesday at the age of 56. The Apple chairman and former CEO who made personal computers, tables, smart phones and digital animation mass-marker products passed away. Steve Jobs died on October 5th 2011 after a long and hard struggle with cancer.

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

Steve Jobs was the reason many of us got into this industry or even care about technology at all. He was "a great man" for real and he was the one who made Apple one of the most valuable companies in the whole world. Steve Jobs made a positive influence on our world.

Unfortunately, how it often happens, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with the disease in 2004. That is why he was compelled to leave his position as CEO of Apple in 2004. As you see Steve Jobs influenced on everybody of us , in a word, he was like a teacher. If you have a desire to have a Steve Job essay you have an opportunity to make an order at our custom writing company. We are always glad to assist our clients with their academic writing problems.

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